Duckko is a server for Koreans. But if you follow the following rules, We Will WELCOME YOU!

We vastly emphasize on civil and disciplined community.
Many of our rules may be odd as majority of KPOP servers (non-Korean) have more of broad and generous rules with generally liberal atmosphere in the server.

Unfortunately, our community originate from South Korea; meaning any issues in our community could impact the artists (as there were many cases where fan communities did negatively impact artists in South Korea).
We ask for your efforts and measures to build a healthy community together.

Server Rules

- Mentioning other artists is allowed, but not showing favors or uploading content is not allowed.
Ex. Mentioning aespa in IZ*ONE channel is allowed. However, showing stan towards aespa or uploading aespa’s picture/video in IZ*ONE channel would not be allowed

- Chat About other topics (Sports, Games, etc) is allowed on artist-related channels to some extent, but prohibited if they lead to deep conversation Criteria: The artist-related channel aims to communicate seamlessly with the artist’s fans, so if someone not interested in the game, sport, etc can’t understand your chats, it is considered a deep conversation

Socializing Rules

※ Excessive friendship increases the entry barrier for new users by forming a cartel only for certain users
So we do not want excessive socializing.

Penalty Policy

Users will be warned and penalized when they violated the rules that are previously mentioned.

1st Warning: Timeout for a day
2nd Warning: Timeout for a day
3rd Warning: Timeout for a week
4th Warning: Timeout for a week
5th Warning: Permanent ban from server

Timeout: Chats, replies, reactions, voice channels are restrict to those user who are timeout-ed.

Any other harmful actions towards our community can be punished by discretion of the moderator team.